Molly Nilsson (Synth-Pop, Night School Records / Dark Skies Association – Berlin)
L'usine est heureux d’accueillir Molly Nilsson pour la première fois à l’Usine, on ne pouvait pas manquer l’occasion de l’inviter pour qu’elle partage avec nous son huitième et nouvel album « Twenty-Twenty ». Wavy Euro Dance lovers, this is your night !
« After a cancelled flight I found myself stranded at the Tokyo airport overnight. Between my interrupted bench naps the surroundings found their way into my dreams, particularly the big banners in the departure hall stating: 2020. Not aware that they were announcing upcoming Olympic games, my imagination wandered. 2020, a leap year. The year of the rat, the election. Perfect vision. The year of hindsight. The repetition, the ritual of the superstitious. A spell cast on the approaching future; not yet there, but close enough to be seen with full clarity.
The year itself seems to draw a circle around its followers, as to protect anyone who dares enter. And it all begins on a late-Capitalist night… »

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